What is the Church?
Being with the absolute Person of Jesus is the heart of the Church. In itself it is a very exclusive love-relation. Somehow the world disappears whn you hear His words and His silence.
But we go to mass, we join tradition, we keep clear of heresies and keep loyal to the seven councils. So what is that? Well it is simply indefinable, even though many really want to define and discriminate it. It's very indefinability is the mark of the living Church. We cannot point to any one ecclesial function about which it can be said that is sums up all of the Church. What would the sense be of all the other acitivites, if that was the case. We can see all the unfortunate mistakes east and west, attempts to make the Eucharist the defining mark, or the Icon, or the Trinity. If you fall into this, turn to Jesus himself again. Be intimate with Him and fall into silence.
Likewise we cannot point to any formula or any book which could be taken as the fullness of the Church. If such a formula or book did exist, what would be the sense of all the others that we love and use? There is no concept of the Church. Oceanic christinaity simply let love and tranquillity supersede concept, being true to the fact of intimacy.
The life of the Church is your being with God and that is more tangible, more alive, than any definition of tradition or teaching. But if one must apply concepts to the living of the Church, it is best to use biological and aestethic ones. Jesus was raised from death and this new life is what is in waiting for all of us. Of course this is biological, although the popular science of Biology so far does not allow for it. The world of course does not allow for God either. That is the very definition of the "world". What is the criterion for this new biological life - which is also spiritual? It is beauty. The beauty and the beautified state of intimacy with Jesus, is the best criterion.
As the russian philosopher Pavel Florensky expresses it: "Yes there is a special beauty of the spirit, and, ungraspable by logical formulas, it is at the same time the only true path to the definition of what is orthodox and what is not orthodox". (The pillar and ground of the Truth) It is this beauty and this new life -- very tangible -- that is the Church. Otherwise you could become protestant or orthodox or catholic by simply reading books or talking to a teacher or listening to radio. That would be like learning to swim by making the swimming movements on the ground.